1 Rep Max = The heaviest weight you can perform in 1 movement (ie, 1 bench press).
AMRAP = As Many Reps as Possible
Box = The gym
Buy In/Out = Complete an exercise at the start or finish of the workout.
C2B = Chest to Bar
DNF = Did Not Finish
DU = Double Under
EMOM = Every Minute on the Minute
GHD = Sit up machine (Glute/Hamstring Development)
Girl WOD = A series of strenuous workouts with girl names.
Hero WOD = A series of strenuous workouts named after fallen military personnel.
HSPU = HandStand Pushup
Huddle = When members gather around the coach to learn about the workout.
Metcon = Metabolic Conditioning
Modify = Changing the workout to suit your needs.
OTM = On the Minute
Partner WOD = Working out as a team with another member
PR = Personal Record
QOD = Question of the Day. We always start a workout with a question.
Rep = The number of movements you do between rest. (see Set)
Rx = Suggested weight
Set = A number of repetitions. e.g. 3 sets of 10 reps, often seen as 3×10, means do 10 reps, rest, do 10 reps, rest, do 10 reps.
Subbed = Substitute (I subbed Pushups for HandStand Pushups)
T2B = Toes to Bar
Tabatta = A workout consisting of 8 intervals that consists of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest.
W/O = Workout
Whiteboard = 1. A monthly newsletter that we send out (make sure you opt in or you will not receive it). 2. Pre-digital days members gathered around the Whiteboard to see the handwritten workout.
WOD = Workout of the Day